Monday, September 28, 2009

Sorry Guys...

Dear all MY2 Player...

Mintak maaf byk2, klu u all rasa blog ni Pro SRG...
and anti-Div...

1 - This is blog dedicated to SRG...
so, i figure out how we can be SRGies..
Our history, where we come, how we united to make this victory...

2- Dont compare it with others blog,
They have their own way, so let me present with our way...

See the title?
understand it !!!

SRG must explain to our mmbers what happened to us..
Itu hak kitorg, critakn apa yg sbnrnya trjadi...

Mngarut ke melalut ka...
Just leave us alone...

If u want to share, u r welcome,
If not, plz afk...
